Walid Raad
Untere Karlsstr. 14, Kassel, MoMA, Floor 2, Marron Atrium, West Gallery, ICA/Boston


Walkthrough: Walid Raad Performance: Scratching on things I could disavow: Walkthrough

Host organizations ICA/Boston

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  1. https://www.afterall.org/articles/museum-as-preface-walid-raads-history-of-art-in-the-arab-world/ 4/11/2022 Elisa Adami, "Museum as Preface: Walid Raad's History of Art in the Arab World," Afterall, 11 Apr 2022.

  2. https://hyperallergic.com/269091/in-a-performance-walid-raad-playfully-probes-his-moma-survey/ 1/22/2016 Eva Díaz, "In a Performance, Walid Raad PLayfully Probes His MoMA Survey," Hyperallergic, 22 Jan 2016.

  3. https://ifacontemporary.org/walid-raad-curates-art-and-history-at-moma/ 2/2/2016 Kara Fiedorek, "Walid Raad Curates Art and History at MoMA," IFAcontemporary, 2 Feb 2016.

  4. https://www.artnews.com/art-news/reviews/walid-raad-at-museum-of-modern-art-5558/ 12/18/2015 Barbara Pollack, "Walid Raad at Museum of Modern Art," ARTnews, 18 Dec 2015.

  5. https://aperture.org/editorial/lecture-performance/ 12/9/2015 Kaelen Wilson-Goldie, "Lecture as Performance," aperture, 9 Dec 2015.

  6. https://hyperallergic.com/269091/in-a-performance-walid-raad-playfully-probes-his-moma-survey/

    A note of hysteria begins to creep into Walid Raad’s voice as he concludes his hour-long monologue performance, “Scratching on things I could disavow: Walkthrough,” at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). Moving through the fifth section of the installation of the same name, he frantically points to details in “Appendix XVIII: Plates 22–257,” a work composed of 54 framed images, many of them monochromatic, occupying the greater portion of one of the massive walls in MoMA’s atrium. As Raad darts from image to image, his voice grows breathless and troubled. He claims that, threatened by destruction during the Lebanese wars, “colors, lines, shapes, and forms, sensing the forthcoming danger, have deployed defensive measures: they hide, take refuge, hibernate, camouflage, and/or dissimulate.” To Raad, these visible features of art have retreated to the ephemera that accumulates around artworks, lurking in the registrarial reports, price lists, and installation budgets; transubstantiated into the documents of the field of art writing, its dissertations, and exhibition catalogues." - Eva Díaz
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