Lecture on Nothing
John Cage
Eighth Street in New York City, , Jahrhundertale, Bochum, Germany, traveled to many locations.

Lecture on Nothing





    1. https://www.andersbeyer.com/publications/reviews/a-lecture-on-nothing/ Anders Beyer, "A Lecture on nothing: Close to 70 years after its world premiere: Robert Wilson’s version of John Cage’s famous “Lecture on Nothing” awakens the Chinese audience’s interest in their… mobile phones?", trans. Anders Beyer, originally published in Klassekampen (27 November 2017)..

    2. https://www.researchcatalogue.net/view/323127/323128 Simon Aeberhard, "Writing the Ephemeral: John Cage's Lecture on Nothing as Landmark in Media History" Journal of Sonic Studies 13 (2017).

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