CFI book talk
Mindy Seu
Hotel Palenque
Robert Smithson
Robert Morris
Read me that part a-gain, where I disin-herit everybody
Gordon Hall
Walid Raad
Naked Action Lecture
Carolee Schneemann
Filzengraben Boulevard
Julia Scher
Lecture on Nothing
John Cage
An Alternative History of Abstraction
manuel arturo abreu
Walter Benjamin in Sarajevo
This is not Research. This is not Theory. This is not Art
Hito Steyerl
Andrea Fraser
Gimme Shelter
Nikita Gale
Lecture on the Weather
John Cage
A test performance
Screen Green
Ho Rui An
Contra Diction: Speech Against Itself
Lawrence Abu Hamdan
Some Styles of Masculinity, Part 1: Rock Star
Gregg Bordowitz